
Study trend Italian Multiple Sclerosis Register

TOTAL PATIENTS: 88.989 (data at 31th May 2024)


Distribution by gender
Distribution by age classes (age at 31th May 2024)


Symptoms at the onset
Symptom % Patient
Supratentorial 19.99%
Optic 19.46%
Spinal 22.1%
Brainstem 17.78%
Polysymptomatic 11.08%
Other 9.59%
Distribution for symptoms at onset


First MS-Course
MS-Course % Patient
CIS 86.98%
PP MS 5.38%
Missing 7.64%

CIS=Clinically Isolated Syndrome;
PP MS=Primary Progressive;
RR MS=Relapsing Remitting

Distribution MS-Course at first visit


Last MS-Course
MS-Course % Pazienti
RR MS 71.5%
SP MS 10.6%
CIS 4.88%
PP MS 3.38%
PR MS 2%
Missing 7.64%

RR MS=Relapsing Remitting;
SP MS=Secondary Progressive;
CIS=Clinically Isolated Syndrome;
PP MS=Primary Progressive;
PR MS=Progressive Relapsing;

Distribution MS-Course at last visit


Classes of sex/age at onset
Age class % Male % Female
0-17 yy 2.08% 4.56%
18-24 yy 6.66% 13.9%
25-32 yy 9.11% 18.3%
33-40 yy 6.61% 13.62%
41-48 yy 4.36% 9.48%
49-56 yy 2.2% 4.33%
57-64 yy 0.73% 1.19%
>=65 yy 0.19% 0.31%
Missing data 2.37%
Distribution of sex/age at onset

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Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla – FISM – Ente del Terzo Settore/ETS e, in forma abbreviata, FISM ETS.
Iscrizione al RUNTS Rep. N° 89695 - Fondazione con Riconoscimento di Personalità Giuridica - C.F. 95051730109