
ProjectsItalian Version


Date Title Synopsis and Results Proposer
2025-01-31 Comparative Effectiveness of Cladribine versus S1PR Modulators in Naive Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: An Observational Study The primary objective of this study is to assess and compare the overall NEDA-3 status, as well as individual components of NEDA-3, treatment persistence, and safety profiles in patients diagnosed with RRMS, in patients who have undergone treatment with either Cladribine or S1PR modulators as their initial DMT, and who have a minimum follow-up per ...
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Shalom Haggiag
2025-01-31 Clinical and radiological prognostic predictors in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders (NMOSD) and MOG Antibody-mediated Disorders (MOGAD). Evaluation by Italian MS Registry and implementation of a disease-specific dataset ...
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Tortorella Carla
2025-01-31 Air pollution as a risk factor of multiple sclerosis. An ecological study in the Italian population (The AIRMUS study) ...
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Roberto Bergamaschi
2025-01-31 Integrating genetic and phenotypic data from the PROGEMUS data-base and the Italian Multiple Sclerosis registry ...
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Maurizio Leone
2025-01-31 Clinical and neuroradiological findings in patients with late-onset multiple sclerosis (LOMS) ...
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Francesco Patti
2025-01-31 Evaluating the clinicAl and MRI characteristics of Secondary Progressive multiplE sclerosis; a registRy-bAsed/multicentric cohort study (ASPERA). Give a clear view of aims, phases and methods (max 3.000 characters) Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), with an unpredictable course [1, 2]. Relapsing-remitting (RRMS) and secondary progressive MS (SPMS) are commonly considered as part of a disease continuum each with ‘activ ...
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Francesco Patti
2025-01-31 Multi-centre, prospective/retrospective, randomised, open label pragmatic trial to compare the effectiveness and safety of interferon beta-1a (IFN beta-1a) administered weekly i.m. and glatiramer-acetate (GA) in pediatric patients affected by multiple sclerosis. This study is a Phase IIIb, 36-month multi-centre, interventional prospetic/retrospective, pragmatic, open label, randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Glatiramer Acetate (GA) compared to Interferon beta-1a (INF beta-1a) in children/adolescent patients aged 12-17 (i.e. have not yet had their 18th birthday at randomisation) wi ...
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Marta Simone
2025-01-31 Towards an unified definition of progression independent of relapse activity in relapsing multiple sclerosis Both controlled clinical trials and observational studies provided unequivocal evidence that steady progression independent of relapse activity (PIRA) is a frequent feature across the full spectrum of traditional multiple sclerosis (MS) phenotypes, including clinically isolated syndromes (CIS). PIRA occurs in approximately one quarter of early rela ...
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Emilio Portaccio
2025-01-31 Phenotyping progression in multiple sclerosis Aims. This project is designed to identify crucial clinical and conventional MRI features that can precisely forecast distinct multiple sclerosis disability progression profiles over time. Our primary goal is to characterise disability profiles through a data-driven methodology and identify the baseline clinical and MRI features with the most robus ...
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De Meo / Amato
2023-12-31 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as a model to assess the relationship between intercurrent viral infections and disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis: a propensity score matched case-control study The association between intercurrent viral respiratory infections and exacerbations of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease activity has been for many years an open question. This is a propensity score matched, case-control, observational study in a single-center cohort of patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in ...
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Paola Cavalla
2023-12-31 Secondary prevention in multiple sclerosis: “Bacille Calmette-Guérin" (BCG) vaccine in people with radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS). ...
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Giovanni Ristori
2023-12-31 Evaluating the efficacy of Ocrelizumab in Primary PrOgRessive mulTiple sclerosis: a mUlticeNter retrospectIve sTudY (OPPORTUNITY). ...
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Francesco Patti
2022-12-31 Multiple Sclerosis disease activity and SARS-COV2 pandemic: a population based study from the Italian MS Registry ...
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Marco Capobianco
2022-12-31 OCREVID Study (The management of OCRElizumab during the coVID-19 pandemic in Italy) ...
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Antonio Gallo
2022-12-01 Validate a case definition of multiple sclerosis (MS) using different electronic (health and social) record: case study on selected provinces of Emilia Romagna Region. ...
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Mario Alberto Battaglia
2022-09-30 PROfiling the risk of Severe Adverse Events during sequencing therapies in patients with multiple sclerosis: an observational cohort analysis based on Italian Multiple Sclerosis Registry. ...
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Damiano Paolicelli
2022-06-15 Early prediction of unfavorable evolution of Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) patients In the last years there is a growing interest about patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) suggestive for multi-focal inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. These cases can evolve to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS), before which a disease-free status can last for an unpredictable time. Recently, th ...
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Roberto Bergamaschi
2022-05-26 HETEROGENEITY Study. Are multiple sclerosis (MS) phenotypes influenced by the type of referral MS center? ...
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Roberto Bergamaschi
2022-05-26 Exploring phenotype and recovery from relapses in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients: old versus new Disease-Modifying Therapies ...
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Emanuele D'Amico
2022-05-26 Demographic, clinical and treatment factors associated with the risk and severity of Covid-19 in people with Multiple Sclerosis ...
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Maria Trojano
2022-05-26 Clinical characteristics and disease outcomes of late onset Multiple Sclerosis: a retrospective multicenter study. ...
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Lorena Lorefice
2022-05-26 Comparative effectiveness of different Natalizumab dosing schedules in real world life: a retrospective Italian multicentre study ...
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Francesco Patti
2022-05-26 Comparative effectiveness of initial Treatment Choices for Multiple Sclerosis: a multicentre study ...
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Emanuele D'Amico
2022-04-26 Silent progression in an Italian CIS and Relapsing-Remitting MS cohort Objectives. To analyze, in a big Italian multicentric cohort of CIS and RRMS patients, data regarding the silent disease progression independent from relapse activity and MRI data, comparing treated - with "platform" and "highly active" therapies - and untreated patients. Methods. Patients with: age >18 years; a CIS or RRMS diagnosis made using the ...
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Maria Pia Amato - Bellinvia
2021-12-31 Big Multiple Sclerosis Data (BMSD) network ...
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Maria Trojano
2021-12-31 The concept of persistence in disability improvement: an application of Markov model to treated patients from the Italian Registry ...
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Matilde Inglese
2021-12-31 Assessing early clinical and MRI predictors of treatment response in pediatric multiple sclerosis patients. ...
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Maria Pia Amato/De Meo
2021-12-31 Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation For Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: a comparative study with matched control patients from the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Register ...
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Matilde Inglese
2021-10-28 EPID-MS Evaluation of the drivers of the therapy switch in active RRMS and active SPMS patients. ...
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Maria Trojano-Pietro Iaffaldano
2020-11-01 Assessing Efficacy and Safety of treatments in progressive Multiple Sclerosis Except for Ocrelizumab, previous phase-III randomized controlled trials largely failed in finding benefit of disease modifying drugs (DMDs) among patients affected by primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). Consistently with these findings, most of the Real word studies drove to the same conclusion, finding no substantial differences between ...
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Maria Pia Amato
2020-10-15 E-MUSIC: Early MUltiple Sclerosis Italian Cohort Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that is characterized by inflammation, demyelination, and degenerative changes. Most individuals are diagnosed with MS at age 20–40 years. Pediatric-onset MS (POMS), before the age of 18, represents 3-10% of the whole MS population, while late-onset ...
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Maria Pia Amato-Mattia Fonderico
2020-09-15 Predictive factors of disability progression in a large cohort of italian multiple sclerosis patients Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common cause of neurological disability in young adults globally. It is a chronic degenerative illness and therefore carries a high economic and quality of life burden associated with it. One of the principal objectives in the care of people with MS is, therefore, to reduce the irreversible accumulation of ...
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Marzia Romeo
2020-07-15 INTEREST. Italian Multiple Sclerosis Registry non interventional retrospective analysis in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis The distinction between relapsing-remitting (RR) MS and progressive phenotypes remains a critical challenge for the neurologist in real clinical practice: currently there are not specific parameters or validated biomarkers to address the diagnostic doubt, which remains entrusted to clinical experience. In fact, in clinical practice secondary progre ...
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Maria Trojano
2020-06-15 Risks associated with Wash-Out Duration when switching from Fingolimod to cell-depleting agents Decisions regarding the duration of washout periods between disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients need to take both the risk of disease reactivation and safety issues regarding overlapping immunological mechanisms of action into account. Fingolimod is an oral DMT, approved for the treatment of highly active relapsin ...
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Diana Ferraro
2020-06-15 Assessing the clinical course of pediatric onset multiple sclerosis in different treatment eras: are we really modifying the disease? Availability of new disease modifying therapies (DMTs) and changes of therapeutic paradigms have led to a general improvement of multiple sclerosis (MS) prognosis in adults. It is still unclear if this improvement also involves pediatric-onset MS (POMS) patients, whose early management is limited by a low number of approved DMTs and, possibly, othe ...
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Damiano Baroncini
2020-06-15 Early-aggressive treatment algorithm versus classical escalation therapy in relapsing Multiple Sclerosis The most important goal of multiple sclerosis (MS) therapy is the prevention of long-term disability accumulation. The therapeutic scenario for relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS) has widely expanded during the past 20 years. Choosing the MS therapy has become increasingly complex, due to the difficulties in weighing the risk/benefit ratio of several dif ...
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Maria Trojano-Pietro Iaffaldano
2020-06-15 Retrospective pilot study on long-term Cladribine effects in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis or clinically isolated syndrome. The aim of this Italian pilot study call CLARINET-MS study is to explore the feasibility of the retrospective approach for evaluating effectiveness in subjects previously treated with Cladribine and then followed as per clinical practice. The CLARINET-MS study assessed the long-term effectiveness of cladribine tablets by following patients with mu ...
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Francesco Patti
2020-04-24 The use of a roving EDSS reference value to enhance detection of EDSS worsening events: A real world evaluation through the Italian MS Register. Disease registries are recognized as providing meaningful information on the burden, natural history, and long-term safety and effectiveness of treatments for patients with chronic diseases. Data collected in a register are also useful for observational research on sample populations treated and followed in real-world conditions. The result provide ...
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Paola Mosconi
2019-12-15 Retrospective study to evaluate the long-term impact of different treatment strategies on disability outcomes in patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. Italian IMedWeb MS Registry. RE.LO.DI.MS Study The increase in disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) allows individualization of treatment in relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS); however, the long-term impact of different treatment sequences is not well established. This is particularly relevant for MS patients who may need to postpone more aggressive DMD strategies. To evaluate different therapeutic s ...
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Damiano Paolicelli
2019-06-15 INSPIRA - Italian analysis of the National multiple sclerosis registry Studying the concept of Progression Independent from Relapse Activity To date, secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) is diagnosed retrospectively by neurologists, according to the Lublin’ definition: a history of a gradual disability progression, independent of relapses, after an initial relapsing course. No biological nor clinical markers are available to make more sensitive and reliable the identification ...
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Maria Trojano-Pietro Iaffaldano
2017-10-14 Profiling treatment choices in MS during two different eras: a real world assessment in the Italian MS Registry ...
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Maria Trojano-Pietro Iaffaldano

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Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla – FISM – Ente del Terzo Settore/ETS e, in forma abbreviata, FISM ETS.
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